Don’t get me wrong: I loved the splendid isolation of the pandemic as much as anyone. (!) But, like a lot of people, I’ve been really digging the gradual reintroduction to the things we all took for granted in the time before.
Remember all those small, sweet, and entirely valuable writer’s conferences we used to take part in on a regular basis? Well, they’re back. I’m looking forward in particular to one I will take part in next weekend, Spring Break for Writers: Creating a Career of Success as an Author! April 26 to 28 at the Scottsdale Marriott Old Town in Scottsdale, Arizona.

If you’re planning on being at the event, I’ll be on hand for pretty much the whole thing. I don’t know the schedule yet, but when they tell me to start talking, I’ll be hosting a session on finding your path to publishing success. (See image above.)
If you’d like more information on the event, you can find it here.