
And then I cried

I’m much too candid and tell too many secrets on a recent episode the SinC Writer’s podcast. Interviewer Julie Hennrikus did too good a job! (Spoiler alert: if you listen long enough, I cry.) You can find the podcast on your favorite app, or download … Continue readingAnd then I cried

If You Liked That…

Like a lot of people, I’ve been having some fun playing with artificial intelligence via ChatGPT. Most recently, I asked it to recommend books for people who liked my 2021 novel Endings, which is now the first of the Endings series. The third book in … Continue readingIf You Liked That…

Hello. It’s Me.

In the rollicking ride that is contemporary social media, it turns out it’s easy to take your eye off the prize. The prize in this case is your attention. Instagram. Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and more (and more and more) all demand material of one sort … Continue readingHello. It’s Me.